» Silvia M. Hauptmann
» October 1957: birth in Leipzig
» passed out as lab technician
» 1981 birth of my son, Paul Martin
» 1987 onwards: freelance photographer
» 1990–94 Photography studies at Bielefeld Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences) under the tutelage of Professors Jörg Boström and Gottfried Jäger. Main focus: socially critical portraiture and photo-essayist subjects
» Clients: Frankfurter Rundschau, Die Zeit, Freitag, Leipziger Blätter, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Initiative Leipziger Jazzmusiker, Ephraim Carlebach, Stiftung Leipzig, Justizministerium Sachsen, Rudolstadt Festival (previously Tanz&FolkFest Rudolstadt)
» 1994 onwards Collaborative work with the Leipzig-based graphic artist, musician and writer Jürgen B. Wolff
» varied photo-reportage, photo-journalism and photo-historian work. This includes Saxony’s Jewish communities, music photo-journalism capturing and chronicling the Rudolstadt Festival, the Leipziger Jazzreihe LeipJAZZig, Leipzig’s Ostwind (‘Wind from the East’) at its naTo cultural centre, and the Leipzig Song Scene (‘Leipziger Liederszene’); plus the long-term photo-essay project Zwischenzeit (‘Mean Time’) about a woman’s life sentence.
Silvia Hauptmann impresses me mightily both as a person and, very big word, as an artist. The nature of my work means I have worked with photo-journalists a good deal. She really, really impresses. Over 25 years of watching at close quarters the lengths Sylvia goes to – and athleticism she employs – to get that telling, essence-capturing image has been both educational and exhilarating.– Ken Hunt, January 2020